Visit an Oral Surgeon in Lee’s Summit for the Best Possible Care


As an oral surgeon in Lee's Summit, we know that many people prefer to avoid oral surgery altogether. There are, unfortunately, any number of reasons why oral surgery may be a recommendation. We may need to pull a wisdom tooth, replace a missing tooth with a dental implant, or strengthen your jaw bone with a bone graft. 

We are intimately aware of the fact that if you are coming in for oral surgery you are going to have a large number of questions and concerns. It is for that reason that we recommend you schedule a time before the procedure in which we can answer all of your questions. Then, you can go into the process with a sense of confidence and calmness.

One of the many downfalls of living in an ultra modern society is the absolute access people have to information. The reason why this is a downfall is because very often patients do not ask questions of their oral surgeon, rather they choose to research them on their own. This has led to a large number of myths and misconceptions about oral surgery.

One of the most popular misconceptions that we hear as an oral surgeon in Lee's Summit, involves discomfort. Most people believe that oral surgery is going to be painful. Unfortunately, while nobody wants to think of having a surgery, sometimes it is simply  impossible to avoid the necessity of it. In a case like this, it is made even scarier if you believe all the rumors that an oral surgery can be painful.

Our tools, techniques, and treatment have advanced a lot over the years. As an oral surgeon, we can offer you oral surgery that is going to help you without causing a great deal of discomfort. In addition to this, we perform all oral surgery with the patient under local anesthesia, guaranteeing that you will not feel discomfort during your treatment.

We know that after any surgery, there is going to be a recovery time during which you are going to have some level of discomfort. For this time, we can prescribe over the counter medications to help you to keep the discomfort to a minimum. For patients who are even more anxious than normal, they may opt for oral sedation to help make the procedure more relaxing and stress-free.

If you are worried about the recovery time after you have had your oral surgery, you should visit our office and speak with your oral surgeon in Lee's Summit about your particular case. Anytime you have surgery you're going to have to spend a few days recovering. However, after we perform the procedure you will not need to change your entire life in order to accommodate your recovery.

It is important that you take a few days off work, school, and strenuous activity.  These are simply precautionary measures so that your body has adequate opportunity to heal appropriately. In the complete absence of any complications, you would normally expect to be sufficiently recovered from your oral surgery within a few days and completely within a few weeks.

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